Friday, May 29, 2020

What Should You Do If Your Employer is Flirting with You

What Should You Do If Your Employer is Flirting with You To enhance productivity in  your working environment, everyone needs to be motivated and feel comfortable enough to interact with their fellow workmates. However, in some cases, this is not usually the case. At times you might be in a situation where your employer is making you uncomfortable with their inappropriate advances. These sorts of misplaced admirations from your boss can go a long way in impeding your productivity and destroying your working relationship with the involved party. It is always hard when this behaviour involves your immediate boss because youll have to run almost everything by him or her. Both men and women can fall victims to these advances, though the female workers are the most affected. In some situations, employees have even gone to the extent of quitting because the harassment had gone overboard. And to make matters worst, for fear of exposure, the same employees have received threats from their employers even after quitting their jobs. Are you a victim of such uncalled for advances? Are you looking for measures that can help you deal with your flirtatious boss and still be able to advance your career? Well, these 5 scenarios will help you understand your situation and aid to you formulate solutions. This is exactly how you are supposed to deal with the situation: Pay less attention to the advances:       It is never good to misread a situation. Sometimes, maybe the intentions are all good. As a matter of fact flirting to some extent is encouraged at a place provided that everything remains professional. If you are poor at reading signs, you are best advised to ignore the initial signs until you are capable of figuring out their intentions. There are some lead signs that can tell you if exactly your employer has a crush on you: They address you differently as compared to your fellow co-workers You start enjoying some leeway privileges from your employer You spend more time with your boss chitchatting about unrelated office issues Talks a lot his personal life and engages you to do the same Spoils you with gifts and tells you to keep it on the low Invites you for lunch more often than your fellow workmates After confirming your bosss intentions, you need to follow the next steps: Deflect the attention: As mentioned above, it might be hard to tell the real intentions of your boss especially when the flirting is in its early stages. However, if the advances are making you slightly uncomfortable, try deflecting their attention. The best way for you to do this is to mention your partner in conversation whether you have one or not. Try as much as possible to drop enough hints to try and pass the message out. When this is done consistently, chances are that theyll end up getting the message. If not, try asking them about their family (if they have one). Turn down  opportunities: If the advances keep on coming even after ignoring, try as much as possible to reduce on the opportunities for flirtation. To achieve this, you may want to reduce on your alone time with the boss. If you are to have a meeting with your employer, make sure that the timing is appropriate. Avoid having meetings at lunch time or beyond office hours. The meetings can also be restricted to the office as opposed to public or social places. At times it might be hard to know how best to react. Therefore, you need to formulate an action plan way ahead of schedule. This will get you ready the next time it happens and youll know how to react. For example, if your employer makes an inappropriate gesture or advance, look at them blankly and change the subject matter to something professional. When it comes to dressing, try to dress smartly and in a conservative manner. This will help you underline your professional status and send the employer the right message. At this point you do not want to send them any mixed signals that may suggest otherwise. Tell it like it is: The fact that the relationship on the balance here is between you and your boss, means that you need to be very careful. It can get tricky at times because you want to go easy on them so as not to compromise the relationship which is very important. If it seems like dropping hints does not really work, try spelling it out differently. You need to express your disapproval of the situation without an outright condemnation of their behaviour. Go easy on them and say something like,Lets try to keep this professional. I make it a rule to never mix business with pleasure. After that, take your conversation straight back to business and ask them for professional advice on any of your current projects. Report the issue:   When the harassment becomes too much to handle, you may consider making a complaint. Remember that it is your boss that youll be dealing with and they have a lot of influence so to go against them might require a lot more than just mere words. Keep written records of all the incidences that you think they might have gone overboard and include the time, date, location and if possible include witnesses if any. A record of how you also tried stopping the harassment may also be needed. The only unfortunate thing that can happen to you is doing nothing about your flirtatious employer. Keeping your mouth shut about it may get you trouble because the advances may impede your productivity and force you to work in an uncomfortable environment. Author:  Julie Petersen is a professional writer, blogger and language tutor with 6 years of experience. She works at writing service as an editor and a writing expert.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Starting Over For An Improved Outcome - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Starting Over For An Improved Outcome - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Entrepreneurship is a forever evolving process. As I look back over my years in business, I recognize the many starts and stops that were necessitated by life circumstances. While the stops may be disconcerting, it is the willingness to embrace the new beginnings that make a huge difference in your progress. The question becomes, are you willing to seemingly start over? Sometimes circumstances are beyond your control. Your business is thriving but suddenly you need to move far away and find a new clientele. For others, revenue was coming in but market currencies dropped thereby frightening potential new clients away. New technologies come about and the old way of doing business doesn’t work as well as it once used to, so once again, change is required. Create a better outcome for every beginning How you cope and the strategies you put in place next will make all the difference in your outcome. Having been down this path a number of times, and doing so once again, I will share ideas to help you through the rough spots the next time you face them. The good news is, practice makes perfect. 1. Meditate. Revisit your inner desires. Deep down what do you truly wish to do? Walk yourself through the thought process to find the areas that appeal to you the most. What will you need to learn, how difficult will it be to implement, and will you need a team supporting you â€" even if they are just good friends. 2. Prioritize. Perhaps you have a list of ideas that you would like to pursue. Is any of your current business salvageable? Which ideas complement what you have already built but will bring you up to date or make you unique in your niche? Which will be the easiest to follow through with, and perhaps, take less investment of time or money? 3. Communicate. How will you express to others what your latest project or path will be? Is what you are expressing to others making sense as a logical progression? Consistency with what is already known about you is essential. This is your identity or personal brand that requires being kept in tact and continuation of being recognized. As you look back at the high points of what transpired prior, consider how you might capitalize on those in the future. At the same time consider what you liked least and wish to omit once you re-establish or take your business in a new direction. As you begin to unveil your idea to make it a reality, put together a marketing plan of action. Who are the people, entities, groups, associations and potential media that will be interested in your new offering? How will you approach them? The key difference for a successful entity is the belief in what you are doing impending success. The sales technique is to deliver what your intended clientele needs, wants and desires. Should you be wondering, I am now partnering to bring An Evening of Inspiration events to a variety of communities intended to Inspire and teach attendees how to use sales techniques on interviews to Get HIRED! Author: Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, LLC, (800) 704-1499, was honored by Open View Labs with inclusion in their international list of “Top 25 Sales Influencers for 2012.” Elinor authored the International Best-Selling book, “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, Sourcebooks and the best selling career book, “HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews”, Career Press. She provides team sales training, private coaching and highly acclaimed inspirational keynotes for conferences. Elinor is available for consultation.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Managers Lack Training on Managing Mental Health Problems

Managers Lack Training on Managing Mental Health Problems It’s not uncommon for those suffering from mental health issues to remain silent about how they feel and what they’re going through; within businesses, it’s no different. To this day, employees are still reluctant to share mental health information with their managers or bosses, while research reviews that 50% of managers have never received any training in managing mental health problems. As April is Stress Awareness Month, Instant Offices wants to tackle this ongoing issue within the workplace and encourage businesses to support their teams to speak about and prioritize, mental health that causes 300,000 people in the UK to lose their jobs every year. Mental Health and the Workplace Only 53% of employees feel comfortable talking about mental health issues like depression and anxiety at work seemingly for a good reason, as the stigma associated with mental health, becoming the subject of office gossip or compromising their employment terms are all legitimate fears. While smart employers place workplace wellness at the core of their business by recognizing the importance of their staff, ensuring individuals feel valued and supported, an alarming number of companies are still avoiding the topic of mental health in the workplace. Of the 5 million people being signed off from work every year, data from NHS showed an alarming 31% are taking time out due to mental health, with a shocking 14% rise in doctor’s notes relating to anxiety and stress in one year. Moreover, a report by the Centre for Mental Health revealed that absence due to mental health cost the UK economy £34.9 billion last year. Additionally, the economy lost: £21.2 billion in reduced productivity £10.6 billion in sick leave £3.1 billion in staff turnover What Can Employers Do to Help Break the Cycle of Perpetual Silence? Minimize the stigma and encourage conversations: A study from Business in the Community shows, only 53% of employees feel comfortable talking about mental health issues like depression and anxiety at work. Pay attention and monitor employees stress: Around 91% of managers agree that their actions affect their staff’s wellbeing, however, only 24% of managers have received any training in mental health, which sadly perpetuates a culture of silence around mental health and wellbeing at work. Introduce mental health initiatives and increase awareness: Wellness and workplace health initiatives are varied but include everything from interventions and counseling services to mindfulness training, flexible working and even options like massages at work. Strategies ought to be tailor-made to suit each business and its needs. Be more flexible with how and where employees work: Around 70% of employees want a say in when and how they work, and growth in flexible working shows more businesses are responding. Nearly half of employees advocate for flexible working hours to reduce workplace stress and anxiety, increase productivity, and to improve morale and engagement. Manage via a coaching approach and create a sense of trust between managers and employees: Modern managers who focus on the growth and development of their team, personally and professionally, will see greater results and engagement. Getting this balance right enables employees to speak about their levels of stress, their worries about their role. Placing health and wellbeing at the heart of the business can help employers attract and retain talent, improve productivity and happiness, and positively impact the bottom line. About the author:  Established in 1999,  The Instant Group  is a global flexible workspace specialist. Underpinned by unrivaled expertise, Instant tailors unique solutions to help businesses of all sizes to grow, drive savings or gain invaluable insight.   With offices in London, Berlin, Dallas, New York, Hong Kong,  and  Sydney, The Instant Group employs more than 100 experts and has clients in 113 countries.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Unconventional Advice for Succeeding in Business

Unconventional Advice for Succeeding in Business “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.”    â€"Warren Buffet If you want to become successful in business and be seen as someone who can be trusted to get important work done well, you must master the art of saying “no” with grace and clarity. “Yes-people” don’t make it to the top, nor do they earn other’s respect. Instead, they burn out from working on other people’s version of urgent, but not vital, work. This leaves them too little time for the most important work. When you say “yes” to work and meetings that aren’t the best use of your time, your schedule becomes chaotic and others see you as harried. Managers who don’t learn this skill earn reputations for being micromanagers, non-strategic and delving too much into the details. Why is it so hard to make strategic decisions about how we spend our time and say “no” without the residue of guilt? Blame it on your brain. How the brain leads you to overcommit Your brain’s sole goal is keeping you safe, and it does that by moving you away from pain and toward pleasure. The three “pains” that cause you to overcommit and say yes to the wrong things include: Social painâ€" The sense of being left out (also known as  fomo, or fear of missing out Status painâ€" The sense that others see you as less capable and less successful than others (or the standard we’ve set for ourselves) Prioritization painâ€" No task saps the brain of energy like prioritizing your day. The act is strategically difficult and filled with mental and emotional land mines: Whom will we disappoint? What will be left undone? What painful task (that we’ve been avoiding) will we need to actually commit to? Use this simple six-step process to overcome the brain’s hard wiring. Step 1: Pause It’s easier to say no first, than to undo a yes. Buy yourself time by taking a deep breath. If you need more time, you can say, “I need to check my calendar. I’ll get back to you by the end of today.” “A No uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a Yes merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.”    â€"Mahatma Gandhi Step 2: Decline with clarity It’s tempting to water-down our no, but doing so can result in miscommunication about expectations and can eventually damage your reputation and relationship. Here are some examples of clear declines: “I’m not available” “I’m not able” “I wish I could but I’m already committed” Step 3: Share a credible reason You’re likely to have a number of reasons to decline. Some may include: You don’t have time You’ll be out town The last time you helped them, they took all the credit While these may be true, they will not help you improve your relationship and reputation. Try one of these more specific explanations: “I would like to, but I’m unable because…” My team is down two people and we’re already working nights and weekends. I have another commitment at the same time that I can’t move. This isn’t my area of expertise and I’m afraid that I’d deliver you a sub-par product. Share an honest explanation that you think is most credible to them. For example, if you can’t make a meeting because you have to take your sick dog to the vet, choose how much detail you share depending on whether the recipient is a dog lover. If you don’t know, you could simply say, “I have a personal commitment,” or “I have a doctor’s appointment.” Both are true, but less specific. Step 4: Make an offer Only make an offer if you have one and if it serves both people’s needs.  Do not  make an offer simply to make yourself feel better. Your offer could sound like: “I know of a good resource; would you like her information?” “Would you like me to ask a few people if they’re available?” Step 5: Express (genuine) gratitude Only express thanks if you genuinely feel it. You could say, “I’m honored that you thought to ask me.” Bonus  Step 6: Drop the guilt When you feel guilt, ask yourself, “Have I harmed someone or acted in conflict with my values?” If yes, apologize, and do better. If not, let it go. Declining requests is about much more than time management; it’s about life management. People need you not to say yes to everything thrown at you, but to be your most brilliant version of you. This guest post was authored by Denise R. Green       Denise R. Green is a speaker, writer, and executive coach committed to helping people go from burned-out (or blah) to brilliant. After a successful career with Oracle Corporation and Charles Schwab, Denise founded Brilliance Inc., a coaching corporation whose purpose is to unleash human potential. For more than a decade, she and her team have helped thousands of people feel less stressed, and have more ease and fulfillment in all areas of their lives. Her new book,  Work-Life Brilliance: Tools to Break Stress and Create the Life Health You Crave  (Brilliance Publishing, April 2017) is about reigniting one’s internal spark. Learn more and access the free e-guide, “Break Stress Now,” at

Friday, May 15, 2020

Resume Writing-Monster Discount

Resume Writing-Monster DiscountResume writing monster discount is a statement made by many people in the job seeking process. They want to get the most out of their money and then some when they start a new job. There are several ways to get a lot of money out of your resume or CV document, but the best way is to use one that works.Many people are willing to pay a ton of money for a service that will save them from wasting massive amounts of time in an attempt to get a decent job. For those who are in a state of desperation, you can usually find something to work with. There are people out there that will give you the idea on how to make a resume design that will make you look like a god.A good way to get an idea of what it is you need to do is to see what is being offered. Resume writing monster discount is what you should try to find. You will find that there are lots of ways to save money on resumes. You can find great material online or just ask around at work.Make sure that you have a basic idea of what kind of resume you need to create. There are some things that are going to be used for a while and others that should only be used for a short period of time. The material that you create should tell everyone what they need to know about you.The best thing about resume writing monster discount is that it gives you the chance to get the most out of all of your efforts. Not only will it show off your abilities, but it will also allow you to see what it takes to prepare for every job that you get. Everyone wants to get the best possible result with any job that they apply for.If you have not found the service that works the best for you, now is the time to start looking for it. You may have seen ads for it on television or you may have a friend that used it. Use those places to help you find it.Resume writing monster discount is not going to be the last method that you find to work. You may be surprised at how much is available. Once you have used the other me thods you should be able to find the best way to use resume writing monster discount.Your best bet is to take your time and make sure that you do your research. You may not even get a second chance to make the first impression. Do the research to make sure that you find the best idea for your resume.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

What Not To Wear To An Interview Insider Tips

What Not To Wear To An Interview Insider Tips If you are attending an interview, it’s essential that you can show your best qualities to the interviewer. Along with highlighting your key skills, an interview is also a way of ascertaining who you are as a person, and whether you will fit into the company. With this in mind, one of the first things that the majority of interviewers look at is the way that you are dressed. Therefore, it’s integral for you to master what you are wearing. In this blog, we’ll look at what not to wear to an interview.What do your clothes say?On a basic level, you might think that it’s unfair for an employer to judge you based on appearance. After all, it’s who you are that counts, right? Unfortunately, what you are wearing to an interview says a huge amount to the interviewer. It tells the interviewer:That you made an effort. A job interview is a big deal. Turning up in tracksuit bottoms, with unwashed hair and a hoodie shows that you aren’t treating the interview that seriously, and that y ou aren’t bothered about how your prospective employers see you. Dressing in a suit and tie, or a smart dress, shows the employer that you have consciously made an effort.It shows you will behave on the job. Again, you might think that this is unfair, and that the way you dress doesn’t show how you’ll behave on the job. The problem is, employers don’t think this way. It’s all about presentation and creating a good impression. If you come in sloppily dressed and looking like you don’t care, then employers will assume that you’ll take the same attitude to your work.It shows you’re thinking professionally. Yes you might not be applying to a job in a big corporate company, but the world of work is the world of work. If you visit any boardroom, you won’t find men and women in jeans or tracksuits. People are dressed smart and professional. They are dressed for business. Regardless of whether you are working in a small company or a big financial firm, you need to act prof essionally; and that starts with the clothes you are wearing.What Not To Wear To An InterviewSo, now that we’ve seen why it’s important to dress professionally for your interview, let’s look at what you should avoid wearing, if you want to get the job. There are a plethora of things on this list:Don’t Wear…Trainers. The only way that wearing trainers to an interview is acceptable, is if you are completely confident that the interview is a casual affair. Even then, your dirty Reebok shoes aren’t going to cut it. Make sure you wear a clean and ideally leather pair, with minimal branding. Try to avoid white or bright colours. Headwear. Unless you have religious or medical grounds for wearing a hat, then there is pretty much no acceptable reason for you to wear a hat during an interview. It might be an unfair stereotype, but wearing a hat indoors connotes that you have something to hide. This is not the impression you want to give to your interviewer.Wacky ties. Everyone has their own sense of style, and you should never actively conform, but there is a time and place. Ideally, you should aim for a minimalistic dress code when attending an interview. That is to say, keep it plain and simple. Crazy patterns or clown ties might well show your individuality, but they won’t necessarily reflect well with the interviewer. This is not one thing not to wear to an interview.Too much cologne. It’s important to smell nice for an interview, and the way you smell goes a long way to creating a good first impression, but don’t go too overboard. If the interviewer has to wrinkle up their nose when you walk in the room, then it’s probably a no.Offensive body art. Most employers these days won’t have a problem with tattoos, but that doesn’t mean they necessarily want to see them, especially if they are offensive. This is listed as a frequent turn off for a large majority of employers, particularly those in the customer service field. If it’s offensive, mak e sure you keep it covered.Too many accessories. If you want to be taken seriously, it’s important that the interviewer is able to focus on you, and not the large gold chain hanging around your neck. Don’t wear items that could take the attention away from your qualities as a candidate. Avoid huge rings, bracelets that make a lot of noise (as you’ll probably be using your hands a lot to express yourself) or large necklaces. This entry was posted in Interviews. Bookmark the permalink. Jordan Cooke How To Get Jobs After Graduation: University 2016RAF Initial Officer Training: Cranwell 2016

Friday, May 8, 2020

Business Efficiency Your New Corporate Buzz Phrase

Business Efficiency Your New Corporate Buzz Phrase Running a modern brand is full of ups and downs, and there are many ways you can improve your business going forward. You need to make sure you focus on getting the business as well run as you possibly can. This is something you can achieve in a multitude of different ways, and it is through this that you will become a more impressive and successful business long-term. Now, one thing is clear, any business that is going to be a success in 2018, and beyond, is a business that needs to focus on efficiency. This is something that a lot of businesses overlook, but in many ways, it is the most important part of running a great brand. You have to make efficiency a huge part of your business ethos, and consider what you can do to improve the efficiency of the brand moving forward. Digitize You need to look at what you can do to digitize the business beyond what you already have. Are there things you can do to move the company even farther in the digital landscape? You want to make sure your company is embracing the digital world as much as possible because this is the key to efficiency. Stuff happens much faster when it is digital, and it is easier to back information up. Let Staff Work From Home You need to think about how you can bring more efficiency to the business, and this often comes down to the staff. It is becoming increasingly more important for modern companies to allow staff to work from home now and again. This bypasses the issue of having staff unable to make it into the office or people who are off sick. By allowing them to work from home, you see to it that they are able to get some work done even when they aren’t physically at work. This is a very efficient use of manpower and will help the company run better. Hire Excellent IT Support Of course, a digitized business is one that needs to keep running at all times, and this means you have to make sure you have excellent IT support. You need people who can make sure you are running the company with no technical hitches, and who can fix IT problems quickly, as soon as they arise. AYS Canada business computer support, and other companies offering similar services are so important to modern businesses. You’ve got to make sure you have the perfect IT support team on board, as this is going to help make the business much more efficient. Anticipate Problems Before They Arise Once you have been a business owner for a while, you will become better at seeing problems before they arise. There are a lot of issues that can contribute to the downfall of a business, and you need to make sure you deal with these issues as quickly as you can so they won’t impact the business. Anticipating potential problems in advance is so important, and it can do an awful lot to make the company run better, not to mention maintaining success and productivity. Outsource as Much as Possible Another excellent way of making sure your company is much more efficient in the future is to outsource as much as you can. This is becoming more and more common among businesses in 2018, and it’s clear to see why. You have to make sure you are streamlining the business, and making the most sensible choices, and this is something that outsourcing can help with a lot. Make sure you try to outsource as much as possible because this is going to really help the business perform much more effectively. Hire a Consultant Business consultants are actually a hugely important asset for a lot of modern business owners. The reason why is because these guys can assess what is not working in your company and provide suggestions for how you can make it better. There are a lot of things you should be looking at that will help you improve the business, but hiring a business consultant is one of the best ways of achieving this. A lot of business owners don’t like having someone else “treading on their toes,” but it can actually be hugely beneficial. Cut Out the Team Meetings Be honest with yourself, how many team meetings do you actually need to have as a business owner? A couple are okay, but you also have to make sure that you cut down on them because they take up valuable time you could be using to run the business better. Team meetings are important, but you don’t need to be having one every day. Once a week would be more than enough, and this will free up more time for the team to focus on the day to day running of the business. Get Rid of Some Clients Okay, this might sound counterproductive, but it is actually one of the best things you can do for boosting business efficiency. You see, there are a lot of clients out there who can be a nightmare, they pay late, respond late, and take up far too much time. These are the clients you need to be getting rid of because they are detrimental to the way the business is running. You have to think about culling a few of these nightmare clients, and instead sticking with those who are reliable and easy to work with. These are just a few of the great ways you can go about making your modern business more efficient. You want to do as much as possible to help your company thrive and improve, and there are a lot of things you can change to help you achieve this. The business has got to be as well run as possible, and there are quite a few ways of doing this. By focusing on making your company more efficient, you will be able to get more projects completed to the required standard, and you will encourage your customers to stick with the business in the future as well.